EurLex-2 Serious side effects, including difficulty in breathing, inflammation of the lungs, extreme shortness of breath, fainting, heart attack, autoimmune phenomena, low red blood cell and low blood platelet levels have occurred with fatal outcome in rare cases Sunkūs šalutiniai reiškiniai: kvėpavimo sunkumai, plaučių uždegimas, ypatingai susilpnėjęs kvėpavimas, alpimas, širdies priepuolis, autoimuninė reakcija, eritrocitų kiekio sumažėjimas, trombocitų kiekio sumažėjimas, retais atvejais gali sukelti mirtį EMEA0. Osteoartritas arba osteoartrozė — dažniausia degeneracinė sąnarių liga, susijusi su nuolatiniu sąnarių traumavimu ir senėjimo procesais.

Apibrėžimas: 1. Spondylitis takes several forms; the most widely occurring forms are ankylosing spondylitis, hypertrophic spondylitis and tuberculous spondylitis.

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Ankylosing spondylitis also called Bekhterev spondylitis, deforming spondylitis or Marie-Strmpell arthritis is a degenerative disease of the spine that is characteristically seen chiefly in adolescent boys and young men. Its earliest symptom is chronic lower back pain.

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The progression of the disease can be noted in stiffness and limitation of movement, swollen joints often indistinguishable from rheumatoid arthritisfusion ankylosis and deformity of the spine and anemia. Treatment is similar to that for rheumatoid arthritis and may include the use of nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs. Hypertrophic spondylitis, also known as osteoarthritis of the spine, is a degenerative disease seen mostly in individuals over the age of It is characterized by the destruction of intervertebral disks and the growth of spurs on the vertebrae themselves.

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Treatment includes rest, the application of heat and exercises to maintain a normal range of movement. Tuberculous spondylitis also called Pott's disease or tuberculosis of the spine is usually a disease of childhood.

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It is caused by infection of the spinal column by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and is characterized stiprus tepalas osteochondrozės softening and collapse of the vertebrae, often resulting in a hunchback deformity. Sometimes the spinal nerves are affected and rigid paralysis may swelling joints causes. Treatment includes chemotherapy against the tuberculosis bacilli and orthopedic care of the spine.

skausmas ir silpnumas peties sąnario rankas artritas piršto rankas po traumos

A form of arthritis causing chronic inflammation of the spine. Mes nustatėme, kad po italų žodžius ir vertimus "spondylitis": Anglų.

ką gydo sąnarių ligas artritas falangie rankų valymo